Most people want well-mannered dogs. The onset of aggression in a dog is a red flag for some people. However, many individuals fail to analyze why these dogs become aggressive. There must be a reason why these canines are acting this way.
Fortunately, many individuals and organizations are willing to offer all dogs a chance to improve. Although some canines exhibit hostility, these institutions do not immediately judge them. Instead, they attempt to trace the origins of the dog’s behavior.
This is what accurately describes the story of four dogs: Alan, Dougal, Elliot, and Pepper.
When members of Purposefully Lost, a conservation center, attempted to rescue the four canines, the animals displayed aggression. The fact that the four canines were strays explains their behavior. They may have had some bad experiences in the past with humans, which is usual for strays.
Despite the dogs’ violent conduct, the volunteers did not abandon them. The volunteers felt that there are no ideal dogs, including the four dogs they were about to rescue. This explains why the volunteers were so tolerant while correcting the behavior and attitude of Alan, Dougal, Elliot, and Pepper.
After months of training, the four canines were able to change their behavior. These four formerly aggressive dogs eventually became rescuers in their own way. During the training, the volunteers saw that all four of the dogs were equally intelligent. This led the volunteers to conclude that the four canines were ideal candidates for training as scent dogs to track down black-footed cats in the Karoo region of South Africa.
Alan, Dougal, Elliot, and Pepper established themselves as leaders in their own way. Now that they have changed their behavior, the four dogs have already worked on rescuing the world’s most dangerous cats. With their keen senses, the four dogs are able to locate these trapped or lost cats in the woods.
Source: Purposefully Lost