Meet Seven, a Belgian Malinois who is most commonly known as “Dog,” the name of his character on “The Walking Dead.” According to the show’s story director, David Boyd, Seven is smart and can act.
Usually, including animals in the script is not cheap. And it’s not unusual for them to get kicked off due to the budget. Boyd revealed that they already tried adding them before but did not push through. But things with Seven were different.
The pup can act in only one take! The director and the other staff did not expect so much from him at first. They thought it would take a lot more time for the dog to follow the script. But Seven proved them wrong.
Every time, he would hit his mark. Boyd said that the Seven was definitely a pro at acting. Once, he even talked with the dog’s trainers to have him do complicated moves. The trainers didn’t exactly say “yes” and only said that they didn’t know, probably trying not to let the director’s expectations get high. But surprisingly, the pup managed to do every single one of what the director wanted him to do. The pup was amazing, and it wouldn’t be difficult for anyone to love him.
The only thing that might be difficult for Seven is that he doesn’t know when to stop. And this comes with being a Belgian Malinois. Thus, the staff and, most importantly, the dog trainers should be aware of how far Seven would go. Once, they had to have him chase a motorcycle. During that day, they had to make sure that they wouldn’t exhaust the dog.
According to the director, Seven is an unbelievable and awesome dog. He even found himself sitting next to him when it was time to wrap things up and say goodbye.
Credits to The Walking Dead