Losing a beloved dog is surely one of the worst nightmares a dog owner can face. Losing that important pet is like having a piece of yourself taken out.
So, when a California guy realized that his vehicle had been stolen, his dog was the first thing that came to mind. He felt as though he had a heart attack. He could not fathom the atrocities the robbers could inflict upon his beloved dog who was also in the car that was stolen.
Daniel Ashimine stopped by his restaurant momentarily to retrieve something. Knowing that he would be gone for only a moment, he left his dog inside his running automobile. When Daniel returned, his vehicle was nowhere to be found – and so was his dog, who he left sitting in the vehicle’s backseat.
The distressed man informed his wife of the awful news over the phone. They took her vehicle and sped through the city in search of his stolen vehicle. They simultaneously called the authorities and reported the incident. Unfortunately, nobody was able to locate his car or dog that night.
Daniel and his wife returned home with heavy hearts. They missed their dog Holly so badly that they felt an emptiness in their home for the first time. Over the next several days, the couple were unable to sleep due to their constant concern for Holly.
Two days later, they received a phone call from the police. Someone spotted Daniel’s vehicle. It was a total wreck. That person also saw who the thief was.
The police caught the thief and when questioned where the dog was, the man replied that he had abandoned it at a local homeless camp.
Hearing this, Daniel hurried to the location to search for his dog. Thankfully, the dog was still there.
Daniel welcomed Holly with wide arms upon seeing her. Holly napped in the front seat on the way back home, as she felt safe again. Daniel stated that he was the happiest man on earth at that time.
Source: Inside Edition