Tootsie Roll was found by her family abandoned in the woods around one year and a half ago. It’s clear that she had gone through a lot. So, it took her some time to show real herself and learn to trust them – and these days, it’s like she has become a completely different pup.
Tootsie’s mom, Emily Dini, said that it took a little time. But her dog went from quite timid and so introverted to a crazy weirdo who chews on everything and loves to chase everything. She’s so vocal and would always make them laugh.
One of her most favorite things now is to be outside. Even when she couldn’t actually get the chance to run around outside, Tootsie loves to watch the world through their window. She even has a favorite window that she loves to look out of which usually has a curtain right in front of it.
Recently, she “accidentally” tore it down. So, when her loving family left just for the day, they instead decided to leave the window blinds down.
Unluckily, Tootsie was never a huge fan of that certain idea – so, she chose to take matters into very her own paws.
When her mom got home from work that same day, she noticed Tootsie’s face in their window. She immediately got a clue of what might’ve happened. She went in, and there it was. Her dog had already chewed a hole through their blinds so she could look out the window.
According to Dini, Tootsie was proud of that hole. She’s barking at her through it when she got home just to show it to her.
She couldn’t even be angry because Tootsie was very excited and so proud of herself. It’s clear that she really loved her new hole very much – and her family decided not to replace their window blinds and just let her keep her hole.
She added that for now, it would be Tootsie’s special tiny hole. She’s so protective of it and will never share it with her other two sisters.
The pup went from just having nothing to having a fantastic life with her best family – and of course, her very special window hole.
Source via EMILY DINI