Now I know we desire the best for our loyal four-footed friends, however; what if I told you that there are some practical things we do for our pets that our dogs wish we stop putting into practice.
I Give You 4 Things You Might Want To Rethink Doing For Your Dog to maintain that relationship.

YamaBSM (CC0), Pixabay
1. Are you pretending everything is all good when it’s not
I know that we are all guilty of thinking all is well when it is not and our dogs sniff the guiltiness off of us. We should cherish this beautiful intuition about our dogs is their sense of being in touch when we are out of touch with our daily emotions.
You know pretending to be all groovy when we feel all snoopy and droopy. I think just a bit too much Austin Powers re-runs for me but I think you get the point.
Your Dog is programmed to study your body reactions whether are you super excited or feeling heavily down which is what makes them great companions. Let us keep it real with our dogs.
2. I don’t think you would like to be forced into a relationship
I could just picture your best friend takes you on a surprise trip and as you arrive there find out it’s a banquet hall full of all of your best friend co-workers who have never met you before.
You feel out of place and don’t know how to react with others simply because you don’t know and may not trust all those gathered in your surroundings.
Now your dog is just like that. Dogs need time to adapt to a new environment and space after all they have earned the attribute of “Loyalty” for a reason.
Here are some grateful tips to mold your dog into meeting new people
3.You can put hugs on a timeout
You may be experiencing more isolation time due to Covid-19 restrictions.
We all can be very frustrated not to be around and embrace loved ones, but your dog is always available. A sigh of relief. Or is it?
Many of us adults and our children may not be fully aware that dogs are affectionate, but you can be scaring or making them feel anxious hugging or squeezing them closer to us.
Our dogs love mobility and facial space just to secure their conviction of a balance of freedom and discipline.
4. You can now grab back your favorite toys
This might be a hard one to chew if you grew up watching the animated series “Care Bears”, sharing and caring were principles to help us humans develop empathy.
I plead before cast you to throw your next party with your dog please keep in dogs are still dogs as much as humans are still humans.
Dogs enjoy items that belong to them alone it is not that their selfish and have no regard for their owner, but their nature is not rational like our own as they believe in complete ownership, hence the phrase: “Doggy dog world”. You can head over to Bark Post for a great break down of toys that will keep your dog busy for hours over here
You now know 4 things you could stop doing to have your dog smiling a whole lot more. I love the fact life is about growing not only with human to human interaction but also human to dog as well making life as a whole :
“Win/Win Situation.